About us
Why School Trunk?
With space at a premium, schools, students and parents face an uphill battle to find sufficient storage space and track belongings during the holidays. Families based abroad, and often even local parents, find looking after students’ belongings over holidays a challenge.
Founded by boarding school Mums, entrepreneurs and businesswomen, Dorothy McLaren and Chelsea Hayes, School Trunk offers a simple, secure and efficient logistics management solution for students’ belongings.
Leave it to us - We're here to help
Helping parents:
Silver Storage
Holiday storage: We collect belongings from schools at the end of every term, store them and deliver them back to school at the beginning of the new term (or on to university or even back home).
Gold Care
Managing school uniform: We unpack, wash/dry clean, mend, name-tape and repack school uniforms, returning the belongings to school ready for the term ahead.
Storage Options
Simple, useful, safety-conscious storage products: robust collapsible School Trunk Crates, boxes and bespoke School Trunk Duvet Bags. These practical alternatives to traditional school trunks/suitcases, are carefully selected for ease of use and safe keeping of students’ belongings.
Helping schools:
Storage and logistics solutions
We solve storage and logistics problems, both over the holiday period and during term time, so schools can free up space for holiday lets or deep-cleans and renovation.
School Trunk collects students’ belongings, stores them securely off-site (or on-site where space is available) and returns them to the students’ new rooms at the beginning of the next term (or on to university or home). School Trunk’s DBS-checked teams do the heavy lifting, moving items to and from students’ rooms. All the labelling, administration and liaison with the students is also managed by School Trunk.
Supporting students
Our school uniform Gold Care package returns students to school well-prepared, as if the uniform had been home and back.